Sunday, December 29, 2019

Portrayal of Women in James Joyces Ulysses Essay

Portrayal of Women in James Joyces Ulysses The novel, Ulysses, by James Joyce shows the reader hour by hour a single day in the life of one man. But this epic which specifically deals with Leopold Bloom and has reference to Stephen Dedalus, holds so much more appendage to other areas of life. One, is the portrayal of women in Ulysses. A common speculation is that men seem to have a more dominating status over women. However, in Ulysses that theory dwindles due to the women who play significant roles in the story. Although the women in the novel all use various tactics to entice the men to succumb and cower to them, it all ends up that the men do heed to the qualifying factors. The first woman of purpose that we†¦show more content†¦The technique in this chapter is hallucination, which is very fitting. On page 473(580:2-3), the mother rises from the floor covered with crud, and recites in Latin a prayer for the dying, as if she is patronizing him. His failure to pray for her and endure his religion caused a major rift on his conscience. Condemnation consumes him which makes one wonder why he ever did gave up his Catholic practices. In the chapter entitled Nausicaa, one gets acquainted with Gerty MacDowell. She leans toward the seductive, sexual side which explicates her ability to entice. She uses these attributes to seduce Leopold Bloom. She is described as a, winsome Irish girl whose figure was, slight, and graceful, thus does not hinder her allure yet adds to it. This chapter thrusts (no pun intended) into the open. Bloom recalls his sexual escapades with Molly on Howth Hill, and his interaction with the woman he mistook for a prostitute. His mind was in the gutter on that day at Sandymount Strand, and it was Gerty Macdowall who would be able to stake her claim for Blooms fluctuating gesticulation. His gibberish on page 301 shows his discombobulation. He starts off by talking about her jilted beauty then that turns into when she is expecting her monthlies (menstruation). It is quite comical, to see this grown man behave in such a manner. It is almost as if I am the peeping Tom, peering into his head and his personal thoughts. Then the masturbation scene,Show MoreRelatedSexual Expression: Defining Joyce’s Characters Essays2201 Words   |  9 PagesSexual Expression: Defining Joyce’s Characters James Joyce uses sexuality throughout his works to establish an intimate and relatable bond between the reader and the characters in his works. All of Joyce’s works address issues in sexuality, which presents the idea that sexuality was of upmost importance to him. Given that sex is a large part of human existence, it is a good way to get the attention of the reader. A substantial amount of characters throughout Ulysses and A Portrait of the Artist asRead MoreLiterary and Character Analysis of Ulysses by James Joyce, Specifically Episode 18: Penelope1177 Words   |  5 Pages. What does Joyce seek to accomplish through his portrayal of Molly Bloom? In a 1922 interview with Vanity Fair, James Joyce said this about Ulysses, I simply sought to record what a man sees, says, and thinks, and what that saying, seeing, and thinking does to what you Freudians call the subconscious. I think this is important to keep in mind when considering the aforementioned question. The first thing most people observe when reading Penelope is the indelicate and plain-spokenRead MoreThomas Hardys The Mayor of Casterbridge Essay1450 Words   |  6 Pagesimportant event of the entire novel. Michael Henchard sells his wife and daughter to a passing sailor for five guineas. This is a perfect example of a dominant man, which sets the stage for Henchards character through the rest of the book. The portrayal of Michael and Susan Henchard on their walk to Weydon-Priors reaffirms this dominant man/victimized woman viewpoint. The sexual tension is evident both on an emotional level, perfect silence they preservedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the woman enjoyed no society whatever

Friday, December 20, 2019

Mini-Systematic Review For Multi-Systematic Review

Rationale Doctoral level counselor education programs will implement the 2016 CACREP standards to maintain accreditation. Adkinson-Bradley (2011), details the progression of clarity in the CACREP standards for counselor education and the foci for each revision. In recent years, professional identity has been the cornerstone of the CACREP standards and there is not a specific study that addresses how research reflects the doctoral level domains (Gladding, 2013). The 2016 standards provide a clear premise for research in each area and articles published within the last 15 years research has not addressed the extent to which the domains are covered in peer-reviewed journals. Since these standards are important to doctoral counselor†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Identify gaps in research covering the 2016 CACREP domains over a 15-year period. †¢ Generate ideas for future research within the 2016 CACREP domains. Educational Content †¢ Discuss the reasoning for an MSR and the importance to 2016 CACREP doctoral level counselor education domains. †¢ Provide an overview of the 2016 CACREP standards for doctoral programs, identifying the domains in the MSR. †¢ Briefly describe the process of conducting an MSR. †¢ Review the results from the MSR. †¢ Discuss recommendations for future research Audience The target audience includes counselor educators, researchers, doctoral students, accreditation coordinators, and master’s students with prior knowledge in research. Master’s level students will require some knowledge of the research process. This audience may be interested in finding out if their CACREP area of interest is covered in the research reviewed during the last 15 years. Presentation Structure †¢ PowerPoint presentation to provide an overview of the 2016 doctoral level counselor education standards †¢ Reflection period: What CACREP doctoral level domain do you find most interesting? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Project Management Unfavourable Industry

Question: Describe about the Business Project Management for Unfavourable Industry. Answer: Findings and discussion Communicating influencing implementation of change initiative It is evident that change is inevitable; this means in every industry the organizations are in the rush of developing their strategies and services. Change takes place for multiple internal and external reasons such as unfavourable political environment or inappropriate organizational structure. However, in order to implement the effective changes in the organization, some certain factors should be considered. Thus, communication is one of those factors that largely influence the implementation of the change initiative. In this context, Eisenberg, Goodall and Trethewe (2013) have mentioned that empirical picture that is gradually emerging imply that communication as well as organizational change are considered as inextricably linked process. In addition, the significance of communication in organizational change has also been demonstrated by developing model of dynamic planned organizational change (Miller, 2014). Figure 1: Planned organizational change (Source: Coombs, 2014) A new technique has evolved from this model, which indicates that while applying change in the organization, communication with the employees needs to be a significant as well as integrative part of the change efforts as well as strategies (Haslam, van Knippenberg, Platow Ellemers, 2014). On the other side, there is a constructional phase of change which indicates that communication is vital to mutual understanding of the issues that organization have to face to deal with the challenges. The data findings helps to learn that while applying change in the organization, it is necessary to communicate the change to each employee involved in the organization. The employees of the organization should be aware of the purpose and significance of the change. If the employees are not communicated about the change properly, a state of resistance could come at the time of applying the initiative. However, it is also observed that changes in the organizations are applied to bring good outcome fo r the sake of both organization and employees. Goals of organizational communication As mentioned by Goetsch and Davis (2014) organizational communication generally has two goals with different purpose. The first goal of communication comes in the form of action, which mandates the organization to inform its employees regarding their task and policy or other significant drawbacks observed by the organization. The second one comes in the form of necessity, which means an appropriate community within the organization should be formed. Additionally, a distinction can be formed between organizational communications as the way to provide information, which is again a communication. On the contrary, organizational communication is also known as the way to form community spirit, which is known as communicare. Considering these goals, within organizational change, another distinction can be created between the information provided regarding the change as well as the sense of a community within the enterprise, before and after the implementation of the change. In this context, Cummings and Worley (2014) commented that information provided by the organization concerning the change needs to address the reasons for change as well as the usual anxiety that employee will go through. Thus, it can be mentioned that information provided by the management comes from the management as well as the employees as the receiver of the information. Hence, Mishra, Boynton and Mishra (2014) commented that a general communicational theories of the management, medium and as well as the noise could be applied to this communication. Additionally, it is also found that the major purpose of change of communication needs to inform the organizational members regarding the change as well as how their responsibility of work is altered due to the occurrence of change. Conversely, other goal of organizational communication was to form the community. Figure 2: Ways of Organizational communication (Source: Kramer, 2014) Therefore, the organizational communication can also be considered as the significant antecedent of the self-categorization technique. This technique contributes to define the identity of the group to build community spirit that exists into the organizational requirement. On the other side, frequently, it is examined that communication could create the conditions for commitment and should be deemed as one of its significant antecedent. There is another significant factor influencing the sense or feeling of being a member of the community in the organization is the trust between employees and organization. The outcome of the existing literature indicates that the trust could result to distinctive effects that come in the form of more positive attitude, greater level of cooperation and enhanced performance. Uncertainty and job Security It has been observed that during the implementation of the change process is usually about the objective, techniques and expected results of the change as well as the implication for the employees. The data findings help to observe that uncertainty of employees at the time of implementation of change could reflect on the implication for the individual employee. The employees go through a state of insecurity about their job role, responsibility, career opportunity. In this context, Miller (2014) commented that a greater level of uncertainty could negatively influence the willingness of the change. Recommendation Techniques of implementing change: Management support for change: It often seems to be critical that management shows the sustainability for change and exemplify the support when communicating as well as interacting with the employees. The employees could feel a sense of comfort when they observe management supporting the techniques. Implementation of the democratic leadership style: It is often observed that democratic leadership style facilitates the ways of implementing change. In this leadership style, the leaders are seen to be taking the views of employees while making or implementing any decision. This leadership style helps to implement the change in the organization as the employees are of the changes that are considered to be implemented. Conclusion On the completion of the report, it can be mentioned that communication may not be the only key factor of effective organizational change. It can be added that actual design of the change as well as the strategic choices existing within the design of change are usually of course antecedent of the change. However, it is also evident that communication plays a big role in implementing the change. Without the formulation of effective communication, change may not be implemented. In addition, the recommended relation for the change and the successful execution of organizational change has yet not been discovered in research. The academics and other research supporting this relation. The current research leaves a significant scope for the researcher to conduct an empirical research considering other factors such as organization structure and behaviour. The current research is constrained to secondary analysis; in order to make more empirical, a primary analysis would make then paper more intense. The research can be further conducted considering the real scenario or the organizations that have applied new techniques of implementing change. References List: Coombs, W. T. (2014).Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage Publications. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Eisenberg, E. M., Goodall Jr, H. L., Trethewey, A. (2013).Organizational communication: Balancing creativity and constraint. Macmillan Higher Education. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. Kramer, M. W. (2014).Managing uncertainty in organizational communication. Routledge. Miller, K. (2014).Organizational communication: Approaches and processes. Nelson Education. Mishra, K., Boynton, L., Mishra, A. (2014). Driving Employee Engagement The Expanded Role of Internal Communications.International Journal of Business Communication,51(2), 183-202.