Friday, April 17, 2020

The earth beneath her feet Review Essay Example

The earth beneath her feet Review Paper Essay on The earth beneath her feet The novel The land under its feet the embodiment of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the modern world of rock stars, god-like love story of two musicians. Vina Apsara and Ormus Cama, like, have not you heard about their  «VTO » group, which shook the whole wide world? Oh yes! The same was in another world, where President Kennedy survived, Elvis wore the name of its manager Vina Apsara -. Beautiful, fierce, sexy Eurydice with a magical voice. Ormus Cama wise, talented, strong Orpheus, unsurpassed musician, one eye he looks at our world, the second overlooks a parallel reality; dead twin brother whispers to him the songs that will be written in the future. His image combined features of the two kings of rock n roll: Presley and Lennon. And modest Rai, photographer invisible dared to love wine and was close to their unbeatable duo. That he will tell us the story. Rushdie gives his hero freedom. Paradise begins with the final returns to the beginning, he runs forward, back to the past. He sets the rhythm of the narrative according to his breathing, music rock and roll, quickly, slowly, smoothly, jerky, loud-quiet. Many heroes, fate, family and religion are woven into a bright ball. Ormus wine and met a young man and soon realized his destiny: to be together. Their share has dropped a lot of tests, not just one of them descended into Hades to bring back the second. Yet, they reunited to create a great rock band, which has stirred up the music, and the whole world as a whole. And somewhere in the backyard it was and Paradise, from childhood, always on the sidelines, in the shade, but still faithful, ready to flee at the first call. We will write a custom essay sample on The earth beneath her feet Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The earth beneath her feet Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The earth beneath her feet Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A simple retelling of the story does not give the slightest idea of ​​saturation Salman Rushdies prose. It touches on many subjects, draws of the city, creating amazing characters. Youth Heroes takes place in Bombay hometown Rushdie, which he with precision and love recreates in his books. Two heroes embody admiration for this city: the parents of Paradise, the father is studying history and leading the excavations, and his mother is building a new city in his own style. Eccentric urban residents, a change of power, chaotic growth, -. The atmosphere, the mood, picture, soul of the city in front of you But the heroes of the triple one after another leave India and go to a foreign land, which is then gently takes the shivers and breaks under his feet. Wine, Ormus, Paradise overcome the attraction of the east, and become strangers, cut off from the roots. For Rushdie, who himself does not live for a long time in India and could not go back, an exile topic is very important. There is mixed nostalgia, melancholy and reflection on the role of an outsider, it may be one of the basic elements of the universe, just coming out of the system can be seen in its entirety One of the main themes of the novel -. It is the essence of the cult (rock) stars . Rushdie sees them as legends of our time, the gods of the modern world, shrouded in mystery and myths. A lot of people worship the created, the doers of the Titans, praising them to the skies, but leaving no hope of seeing in person the star, the same as they are. As in life, the gods are not eternal, and wines and Ormus leave and leave mere mortals alone In the text scattered numerous secrets for the attentive reader:. Glimpses of other books heroes Rushdie really existed person appear under false names, fictional characters and their authors swapped. Because the publisher did not provide the text of the notes, these subtleties you find (or not find) yourself. In addition, the novel is the history of modern rock music, London, New York, the art of photography and many more things Rushdies surprising versatility, scale, intensity of his talent. He wrote a magical texts for the group  «VTO », the title song  «Ground beneath her feet » can be heard in the reality in the performance of U2:  «All my life, I worshipped her . Her golden voice, her beautys beat. How she made us feel, How she made me real, And the ground beneath her feet. and now I can not be sure of anything, Black is white, and cold is heat; For what I worshipped Stole my love away, It was the ground beneath her feet.  »

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